Forklift and crane operator course

We organize professional training courses, for:

  • Forklift operator courses, lasting a month, the price of 1,100 lei / learner to practice the new 900 lei / learner with your practice
  • Crane operator courses (crane Group E), duration 3 months, the price of 1,100 lei / learner to practice the new 900 lei / learner with your practice
  • Group A crane courses (crane), during six months, the price 2 450 lei / learner
  • From this category, Group A, may be extending to any other group (B, C, E)

Documents required for course enrollment:

  • Copy of ID Document
  • Copy of birth certificate
  • Copy of study diploma
  • Medical proof that attest the following: "apt for the job forklift/ crane operator"